Let me be transparent. My aim over the next month is to offer Black History content that compels you guys to retweet. As I stated in my earlier editor's note, nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing Black History Month remain a trending topic on Twitter throughout February 2010. With that in mind, I ask that if you like it or think it's highly relevent, you share it! Just a simple retweet will help keep Black History relevant all month long!
To that end here are a few web based Black History Month celebrations that I want to pass along. Kudos to all the organizations that are taking a vested interest in supplying Black History content this month; in doing so they are also taking a vested interested in US. Help me reward them for their efforts by spreading the word!
Black History Month with News One. (newsone.com)
News one is offering a variety of pictures, commentary, and discussion relating to a wide range of Black History. Though the site has an ongoing Afrocentric theme, they promise to spend the next 28 days focused on celebrating Black achievement.
Black Grammy Winners. (bvnewswire.com)
In celebration of Black History Month, Black Voices has done a stellar job compiling names, pictures and award stats on Black Grammy Award Winners. The list of the 52 Black Grammy winners is sure to include some of your favorite entertainers.
Yahoo Events!: Celebrating Black History. (events.yahoo.com/blackhistory/2010/)
Yahoo Events gets into the spirit of Black History month with its magnificent time-line porthole. The porthole takes visitors through a virtual tour of 6 major eras in Black American history: Slavery & Abolition, Civil War/Renaissance, WWII & Unrest, Civil Rights & Beyond, A New Era, and Legacy Lives On. Definitely worth a perusal and retweet!
Biography Channel: Celebrate Black History. (biography.com/blackhistory)
Biography.com celebrates Black History with biographies of famous Black people and places, an interactive timeline, and 101 fast facts on Black History!! Site browsers will be treated to a plethora of engaging material including photo galleries and videos for the total Black History experience!
PBS & NPR Present African American World. (pbs.org/wnet/aaworld/history/)
Though not specifically developed for Black History Month, African American World, a joint project between PBS and NPR is a wonderful collection of Black history, culture and society. The ongoing project has a wide variety of multimedia offerings that will delight any Black studies enthusiast.