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Monday, February 01, 2010

Show Your Support:
BET Honors Tonight! (autostart, sorry!)

I believe in positive reinforcement.  That is why I'm doing this BET shout out.  Not often does BET have programming that I consider particularly stimulating, but when they do get it right, I like to help get the word out.  Tonight the Black Entertainment Television network will be presenting their annual BET Honors show. 

This year the show will pay homage to an incredible group of talent including Whitney Houston, Queen Latifah, Sean Puffy Combs, Keith L. Black, M.D., and Ruth J. Simmons

Visit the official BET Honoree page for information about each individual. And see host Gabrielle Union being silly in the video below!

       Gabrielle Union Hosts Bet Honors - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

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