SOCIAL ANGST is more than just a blog, it is an invitation to aid in the building of wealth through the shared task of information distribution and discussion. It is a call to engage – engage in society, engage with your peers, engage in your political system, engage in spreading the wealth that is information, and engage in multiplying that wealth through discussion – so that collectively we may become more socially aware, more socially responsible, more socially vocal and ultimately more socially valuable.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Around the Web:
Lauryn Hill Performs in Melbourne Australia!!

 Looking and sounding better than she has in years, Lauryn Hill and her band performed in Melbourne, Australia on January 31, 2010.  It makes me happy to see her once again doing what she was born to do (although, I'm still concerned about the hat and jacket...)

Live at Sidney Myer Music Bowl
- (Melbourne, Australia 31.01.2010)

Final Hour

Ready Or Not

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