SOCIAL ANGST is more than just a blog, it is an invitation to aid in the building of wealth through the shared task of information distribution and discussion. It is a call to engage – engage in society, engage with your peers, engage in your political system, engage in spreading the wealth that is information, and engage in multiplying that wealth through discussion – so that collectively we may become more socially aware, more socially responsible, more socially vocal and ultimately more socially valuable.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Idiots In The News

Top Idiots In The News picks for this week:
  • Katt Williams: Parlaying a pimp persona is enough reason for me to view the comedian as an idiot, but I'm working on not judging. That said, getting arrested on a burglary charge definitely qualifies.
  • Tracey Morgan: The SNL fan favorite stunned his audience with a sexually explicit comedy set earlier this week.
  • Joe Jackson: The pseudo famous father of the late great music icon Michael Jackson argues that, though he was specifically left out of MJ's will, he has a legal right to portions of MJ's estate
  • Beanie Seigel: The former "friend" of Jay-Z disses his "mentor" and eagerly announces his intention to sign with G-Unit - perhaps too eagerly - since 50 goes on record to say that no deal has been finalized. Beanie may need a business course of two.
Not being an idiot IS activism...
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