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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Celebrating Black Veterans
Happy Veterans Day

I want to begin by sending a Happy Veteran's Day shout out to The Man. After celebrating the 234th birthday of the Marine Corps yesterday he is happy to join his brothers across all the armed services today as we thank them for their service.

Though we thank all those who serve in our honor, Social Angst would like to highlight the efforts of Black serviceman today. In that spirit, here are a few Veteran's Day inspired offerings:

Black veterans: a complicated past and an unsung present: Cliff Albright over at The Examiner details why Veteran's Day inspires a range of mixed emotions within him.

Gallery: Famous Black Veterans
: News One uncovers 10 well known personalities, with little known service records, Bill Cosby and Ice-T among them.

Black soldiers continue to fight for country and equality
: The Grio contributor Mac William Bishop takes a historic look at prejudice in our armed services.

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