SOCIAL ANGST is more than just a blog, it is an invitation to aid in the building of wealth through the shared task of information distribution and discussion. It is a call to engage – engage in society, engage with your peers, engage in your political system, engage in spreading the wealth that is information, and engage in multiplying that wealth through discussion – so that collectively we may become more socially aware, more socially responsible, more socially vocal and ultimately more socially valuable.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hope, Change & Progress in 4 Pics - Obama Acceptance Rally Photos

To say "a picture is worth a thousand words," is to be cliche, yet apropos. An unknown photographer captures the purest essence of progress with his camera as a two young attendees of the Obama Victory Rally, oblivious to the racial significance of their interaction, share a moment.



Progress in Pics 4

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