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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Around The Web:
25th Anniversary Remake of We Are The World for Haiti?

It was 25 years ago today that Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, and Lionel Richie collaborated with a litany of American celebrities to record "We Are The World."  Back then, proceeds of the USA for America recording raised $60 million in aid for Africa famine relief.  To commemorate the anniversary, Jones and Richie aim to  remake the record to benefit the victims of the Haiti earthquake.  So far participants for the new project is set to include: Jennifer Hudson, Will Smith, and Sheryl Crow among others.  The song is scheduled to be recorded this upcoming Monday.

Quincy Jones Speaks on the earthquake in Haiti:
       Quincy Jones Urges You To Support Haiti - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

Sources: The Examiner, US MagazineThe Grio
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