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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In The News:
Michelle Obama Speaks on Childhood Obesity

Michelle Obama has an agenda - childhood obesity - and she plans on tackling this widespread American health problem vigorously over the next few years.  Yesterday the First Lady unveiled her national "Let's Move" public awareness campaign which has lofty aims to combat childhood obesity by getting children active and healthy.

The Let's Move campaign will focus on small changes that parents and children can adapt to increase healthy living.   Childhood obesity affects one in three American children, a number that has tripled since 1980.  Obesity can cause a wide variety of health issues including risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure and is considered to be an underlying factor in billions of dollars worth of health spending annually (more stats here). Additionally, experts believe that children are on track today to have shorter life expectancy rates than their parents.

Mrs. Obama believes that "no one wants this future for our kids."  Her four part campaign calls for 1) encouraging parents to make better food choices; 2) serving healthier food options in school vending machines and cafeterias; 3) making healthy food both more affordable and more readily available; and 4) inspiring children to become more active and engage in more exercise.

The campaign is more than a public service announcement, it is a strategic plan aimed at really attacking the problem.  As is typical with the Obama administration, much of the campaign is targeted towards active participation.  Interested parties can visit to get more information on the program and find resources for joining the Let's Move movement.

Check out Mrs. Obama's Good Morning America interview with Robin Roberts regarding the Let's Move initiative and the Let's Move announcement press conference below.

       Tackling Childhood Obesity - Watch more Politics Videos at Vodpod.

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