SOCIAL ANGST is more than just a blog, it is an invitation to aid in the building of wealth through the shared task of information distribution and discussion. It is a call to engage – engage in society, engage with your peers, engage in your political system, engage in spreading the wealth that is information, and engage in multiplying that wealth through discussion – so that collectively we may become more socially aware, more socially responsible, more socially vocal and ultimately more socially valuable.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Show Your Support:

It's CENSUS time again. 
It's time to be counted and time to heard.  

Every decade the Census Bureau seeks to take a statistically accurate portrait of American life by attempting to count and survey every person living within American borders.  The information gathered from the national survey has a widespread effect on American political and social constructs.  The resulting statistical data will be used to measure infrastructure needs, determine how many seats a state holds in the House of Representatives, and assess the need for social services.  In all, the Census data will in one way or another help determine the distribution of about $400 billion in federal funding annually.

Historically, Blacks and other minority groups have been underrepresented in Census statistics.  This is largely due to misconceptions regarding anonymity and privacy.  This year many Black leaders are increasing their efforts to educate minority populations about the importance of being counted.  Many minority advocacy groups are also calling for increased participation. including the Asian American Justice Center and the National Council of La Raza.  In addition the Census Bureau has launched an impressive PR initiative that includes a widespread web campaign.  That's right, the Census Bureau is on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter!

The upcoming Census also provides unique employment opportunities during a time when jobs are scarce.  In 2000 I maintained my full time job while working part-time as a Census Taker and had a blast.  The money was excellent ($18/hr in Brooklyn) as was meeting and working with my fellow community members. The Census Bureau is currently set to hire hundreds of thousands for temporary assignment as Census Takers.  People who are interested can call 1.866.861.2010 to apply.

Over the next couple of months Social Angst will be advocating the importance of being counted.  I am asking fellow bloggers and all socially minded individuals to educate themselves on the Census issue and join me in getting the word out.  We only exist if we get counted.

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