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Monday, December 28, 2009

In The News: Percy Ellis Sutton Dies 12/26/09

... Black Voices and The New York TImes are reporting the death of 89-year old civil rights activist Percy Ellis Sutton Sutton lived and extraordinary life of public service including service as a Tuskegee Airman intelligence officer and  a decade long term as Manhattan Borough President.  After earning his law degree at Brooklyn Law School, Sutton began his career representing various well known and controversial figures, including Malcolm X.  He also became a prominent figure in Harlem, joining former New York Mayor David Dinkins, US Representative Charles Rangel and former Secretary of State Basil Patterson) to form the Harlem Clubhouse.

Outside of the political arena, Sutton was also a successful businessman who amassed several business ventures including Inner City Broadcasting , New York's first Black owned radio station.  He also produced the popular television program, Showtime at the Apollo.  In 1987 Sutton was awarded the Spingam Medal by the NAACP for his outstanding achievements.

Sutton, died on December 26, 2009 and is survived by his wife Leatrice Sutton.

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