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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Around The Web: Rare Historic Jazz Festival Recordings Restored and Available Online

I listen to jazz with my 91 year old Papa.  He digs my appreciation for the music and I appreciate any common ground we can bond over (especially when it deflects questions of  my ever impending nuptials).  This week I'm going to hit Papa with a few uncommon finds compliments of  In NPR's weekly online jazz column Take Five, Josh Jackson,  tells us of a rare collection of 1959 Newport Jazz Festival recordings that have been restored and made available for purchase online at Wolfgang's Vault. There are some great American jazz favorites among the collection's featured artists, including Thelonious Monk, Dizzy Gillespie and Count Basie.  Below find some of the restored tracks for your consideration and enjoyment.

Thelonious Monk

Listen to the entire concert here.

Dizzy Gillespie

Listen to the entire concert here.

Count Basie

Listen to the entire concert here.
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