Undoubtedly the documentary will foster lots of conversation. In fact, at the very least the series should be applauded for it's ability to start the types of conversations that are typically only broached as the result of some gross racial faux pas (think Imus). Personally, I was fond of the subtle way in which proactive initiatives were highlighted. The stories of the dedicated Black men and women who are making personal and viable commitments to improve the communities surrounding them by founding and/or running local non-profit organizations/projects (specifically the woman that focuses on marrying unwed parents, the gentleman focusing on using financial motivators to improve education standards, and a doctor who focuses on helping victims of violent crimes get their lives together).
There is no lacking in opinion on the documentary; some finding it informative and epic, others finding it wanting. I will share my personal feelings on it in the next post, however, until then let me offer you the thought of Karen Hunter, a blogger on www.BlackInAmerica.com (not directly affiliated with CNN or the documentary). In her blog entitled "Who's Watching Black In America?" Ms. Hunter inquires thoughtfully on whether the documentary would succeed in reaching the population of struggling Black Americans it aims to motivate. I found her blog to be thoughtful, and her concerns to be valid. So in the Social Angst spirit of engaging, informing, and discussing our way into relevant social activism please spread the word about the documentary to anyone you feel could benefit from it and please post your own thoughts here. Remember philanthropy is possible when you spread the wealth of knowledge. Link and holla back!
Special thanks to www.hiphopmusic.com for being the first site with the video link. Thank you for spreading the wealth.
Peace and blessings...